
new nfts will be uploaded in August, 2021

In August, 2021 the marketplace will have hight-tech assets and many more things for Yveroon city-state. The core of the website is the community. We rather call ourselves a community than a marketplace.  Do you want to sell anything? Or create big things? Amaze Elon Musk with your creations. He may interested in one day and makes you a millionaire. 

Yveroon, yveroon station

 Yveroon station would have this: Yveroon, yveroon station Last chance to get on board. I think this is a warning sign as well. will be an access point to get on board the ship that takes you safe places. Why would you leave it out? Try to learn more about the services of non-fungible tokens, meant: nft are just the first step.


Yveroon city-state becomes something different than others. More real.

UK Company to make a better deal than bitcoin

 You want to find a deal which is transpaernt and better than bitcoin? I can help Tokens, ICO-s are about new deals, mostly. Decentralized currencies. Crypto - which may protect investors. What if the currency exchanges are not the best for your tokens or coins? The old helper is the registration of the new business, which means it will be listed and the activity of the company is transparent. When you register your company, you may start it for real business purpose. A shop, manufacturing something or starting a public service, etc. What if you start it for contracting? The value of the contract is the value of your business. Your buyer's credit are enough to get your business funded, sometimes. The rest is up to you. You are the contracting party and you have to fulfill the requirements of your contract. This bilateral agreement makes the deal real and valuable. At Yveroon the companies have public contracts.